Sumayya Usmani,Joanna Yee's Mountain Berries and Desert Spice: Sweet Inspiration From PDF

By Sumayya Usmani,Joanna Yee

ISBN-10: 0711238529

ISBN-13: 9780711238527

In this eagerly awaited stick with as much as Pakistani cookbook Summers lower than the Tamarind Tree, meals author and cookery instructor Sumayya Usmani keeps her trip of discovery during the unique food of her local Pakistan. Mountain Berries and wasteland Spice introduces domestic chefs to Pakistani muffins and explores their detailed value within the country’s tradition and traditions. The 70 real and family members recipes trip from the foothills of the Hindu Kush mountains within the north (where berries and end result develop in abundance), through the fertile Punjab (with its rice- and grain-based truffles) to the Arabian sea within the south, the place saffron- and cardamom-laced candy recipes are a favorite. From the candy snacks shared among neighbors over espresso to luxurious cakes healthy for lavish weddings, Sumayya tempts the reader with attractive, simply completed recipes that any one can savour.

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Mountain Berries and Desert Spice: Sweet Inspiration From the Hunza Valley to the Arabian Sea by Sumayya Usmani,Joanna Yee

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