New PDF release: Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome: Conflict,

By Michele Salzman,Marianne Sághy,Rita Lizzi Testa

ISBN-10: 1107110300

ISBN-13: 9781107110304

This e-book sheds new mild at the non secular and accordingly social adjustments occurring in overdue old Rome. The essays during this quantity argue that the once-dominant proposal of pagan-Christian non secular clash can't absolutely clarify the texts and artifacts, in addition to the social, spiritual, and political realities of overdue old Rome. jointly, the essays reveal that the fourth-century urban was once a extra fluid, shiny, and intricate position than was once formerly concept. festival among assorted teams in Roman society - be it pagans with Christians, Christians with Christians, or pagans with pagans - did create tensions and hostility, however it additionally allowed for coexistence and lowered the possibility of overt violent, actual clash. pageant and coexistence, besides clash, turn out to be nonetheless crucial paradigms if you happen to search to appreciate the alterations of Rome from the age of Constantine throughout the early 5th century.

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Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome: Conflict, Competition, and Coexistence in the Fourth Century by Michele Salzman,Marianne Sághy,Rita Lizzi Testa

by Kenneth

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