Download e-book for kindle: Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography by Veronika R. Meyer

By Veronika R. Meyer

ISBN-10: 0470682175

ISBN-13: 9780470682173

ISBN-10: 0470682183

ISBN-13: 9780470682180

Jump into the HPLC adventure!

Three many years on from booklet of the 1st German variation of Veronika Meyer's ebook on HPLC, this vintage textual content is still one of many few titles to be had on common HPLC geared toward practitioners.

New sections at the following issues were integrated during this 5th edition:

  • Comparison of HPLC with capillary electrophoresis
  • How to acquire height capacity
  • van Deemter curves and different coherences
  • Hydrophilic interplay chromatography
  • Method transfer
  • Comprehensive two-dimensional HPLC
  • Fast separations at one thousand bar
  • HPLC with superheated water

In addition, chapters at the device attempt and troubleshooting within the appendix were up to date and extended via Bruno E. Lendi, and lots of information were stronger and diverse references added.

A thoroughly new bankruptcy is gifted on caliber coverage covering:

  • Is it well worth the effort?
  • Verification with a moment method
  • Method validation
  • Standard working procedures
  • Measurement uncertainty
  • Qualifications, tool attempt, and approach suitability test
  • The quest for quality

Reviews of past editions

"That this article is written via a professional in either the perform and educating of HPLC is clear from the 1st paragraph....not simply an stress-free, attention-grabbing and simple learn, yet a very first-class textual content that has and should serve many academics, scholars and practitioners very well." —The Analyst

“…provides crucial details on HPLC for LC practitioners in academia, undefined, executive, and study laboratories…a precious introduction." - American magazine of Therapeutics

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Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography by Veronika R. Meyer

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